Southwest Bible Camp, Inc. © All rights reserved

Southwest Bible Camp

Southwest Bible Camp

50 Years of Ministry

In 1959, believers came together from Arizona, New Mexico and West Texas to begin conducting summer camps in an effort to reach youth at a rented CCC camp near Glenwood.  The first camp was held in July 1959 with Henry Peterson as speaker.  We praise the Lord for His blessing over 50 years of ministering to youth and families.


What a joy to think of all the people, young and old alike, who have has the privilege of being at Southwest Bible Camp during the past 50 years!  So many lives have been changed and many more have come to know Jesus Christ as Savior through the ministry at this camp.  Perhaps you are one of those life has been impacted by your time at Southwest Bible Camp.  What year did you first attend camp and what are your memories of that experience?


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“I remember going there almost every summer, also doing the discipleship group with Doug Crabb, then I also was a counselor for a few years. These were the years that really made me truly give my heart to the Lord and showed me my direction for my life. I now live in England doing youth work and planting seeds for HIS Kingdom.”  JA

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